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Cutting the Metal

I looked through the scrap metal box and found a few pieces of brass that were big enough to cut circles out. I also found a long skinny piece of brass. I cut out 7 circles; four were the smallest, two medium sized, and one large circle.


I dipped all of the pieces into acid to clean them and the preceded to solder together the three biggest pieces together and then the four smaller pieces to the long piece of metal.


I cleaned the bracelet in acid and then filed down the soldered marks on the piece. I then sanded the piece down to a fine grain. However, when sanding, the piece broke.



I tried re-soldering it but due t the constant heat applied, the piece melted and I had to take off a few circles. I ended up soldering together the five remaining circles together and cleaned it in acid. 


I was careful this time when filling and sanding. I didn't file down the soldered edges too much this time and prevented as much bending as possible in those areas. I did my best to sand off any visible solder spills on the circles and smoothed out the edges on the band.


I had to be extremely careful when polishing the bracelet. Due to the fast moving machinery, I had to reinforce the piece when polishing.

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